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"Listen to the wind, it talks.”
“Listen to the silence, it speaks.”
“Listen to your heart, it knows”
For countless centuries, the enchanting voice of the Native American Flute has touched the human spirit. It has had a profound effect on the minds and hearts of people today. But just how did this instrument come to be and why is it important to the lives of the current and coming generations? Click on the link below to learn more.
To provide a space for individuals from diverse backgrounds opportunities to amplify their voices through multi-media storytelling.
We are committed to promoting sustainable practices along with diversity, equity, and inclusion through filmmaking.
Support Us by donating to the SustainableScoop
Located at:
Arlington, Virginia, serving the DMV and online
follow our events and videos.
"A Turtle's Journey" tells an environmental Fairy Tale of an Eastern Box Turtle called "Iffy" who is forced to leave his home due to development. But he is not alone. As he searches for a new home, he receives help from many different sources.
Come help support us in the creation of this project. We welcome all who is interested.
A man bound in a wheelchair swims with the dolphins. His Teen surfers get the surprise of their lives when their father shows them the magic of Rudee Loop, a location at the southernmost tip of the Virgina Beach boardwalk.
We are proud to present the start of a new documentary project about the wonderous Native American Flute.
Explore the rich history of the Native American Flute and its ability to impact on future generations
We are currently seeking for this project:
- Collaborators
- Contributors
- Crew Members
SustainableScoop successfully held it's first camp on on Stop Motion animation in August 2023
We want to thank all who participated and supported us, including Bozzelli's Pizza in Crystal City at 2600 Crystal Dr. Arlington, VA 22202.
Enjoy a holiday display that captures the sun and honors the future.
If you're in the DC Metro Area looking for some family fun, enjoy the lights and holiday soundtrack donated by local artists.
Take the Pentagon City Metro
Aurora Highland Park is located on the corner of
Joyce Street and 15th Street in a softball field.
Spread the word about the great interviews and stories found on the SustainableScoop. What story to you want to hear? What stories do you think need telling?
Thank you to Michelle Boateng and the rest of the New Arlington Weekly News Team for interviewing me on last week's show. They trimmed it down beautifully for the news, but I enjoyed the interview and wanted to share it.
Want to better understand Section 230? Hear from Tech Reporter, Tyler Goodwin. Use Password: EdBoard to view.
Consider making a tax-deductible donation to support programs like Arlington Tree Canopy. Your donation will enable us to engage and support the work of youth interested in sustainability issues.
Arlington Tree Canopy Trailer
We are happy to announce that SustainableScoop will continue to operate as a 501-c3. In cooperation with Arlington, Independent Media, we will provide studio, field, and post-production training to students who support the mission of SustainableScoop.
To empower youth who wish to explore, investigate, and increase public awareness of sustainability issues through media. Our multi-media platform allows students to develop communication and advocacy skills to guide them through creating meaningful and credible programming.
Our new format will be a half-hour monthly production. We can only achieve success with the support of our volunteers, interns, and mentors. Oh yes, and donors too!
Our multi-generational approach will combine wisdom with innovation and curiosity with connectivity. We want to ensure the next generation of leaders has the experience, education, and mentorship to conquer whatever lies ahead.
Our first episode will focus on the Tree Canopy. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to learn what we uncover about the debate, and sign up for our newsletter to get updates on our developing stories and air dates.
We invited students ages 15 and 25 to interview for an internship that will teach production skills while exploring sustainability-related issues.
Contact us at miriam@sustainablescoop.org. Once trained, students will be eligible to obtain recommendations and referrals to jobs that utilize their talent and production skills.
We invite volunteers and donors to contribute to our program. If you are interested in furthering your knowledge of sustainability or have the experience you think would benefit the mission, please reach out. We want to allow everyone to tell their stories, share their ideas and grow their understanding of what is necessary to create balance in this ever-changing world.
Again, we thank you for your support as we enter the next phase in our journey.
Arlington's Project HUG is officially open! Check out our coverage of this incredible community effort towards sustainability.
A group of teens wanted to see change, so they came up with a reusable to-go box system that reduces styrofoam waste in Arlington. Find out the details here!
Nayelis Castillo, a student from Alexandria, Virginia, interviews local gun safety nonprofit organization Safer Country about ways we can reduce gun violence in the US.
This video is a co-production with Luna Music, and promotes sustainability of the arts by giving local musicians a way to perform for audiences despite the ongoing pandemic.
FOUA and Livability 22202 are bringing urban gardening to Arlington's National Landing neighborhood. Find out the details here!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.